Dr Hurriyah El Islamy
The winner of the Bank Indonesia Award (2018) as the Best Global and National Islamic Finance Proponent and the Tokoh Alumni IIUM Award (2020), Dr El Islamy has been inventing and contributing to Islamic finance globally since the industry was at the state of its infancy. With over 26 years of
professional experience, her legacy spans over many aspects of Islamic finance, Islamic banking and capital markets as well as commercial activities and emerging technologies. She was the lead counsel for major transactions and for major financial and global institutions. She has successfully led and/or be part of the team that achieved the objectives and often with innovative approach
that brought novelty to the industry. In addition to being a practitioner with impact, she had also drafted laws and regulations for several countries that drew the face and the state of those nations today. Despite the intensity of her contributions to the industry, her contributions and legacy in form of
academic publications, public speech, etc. are equally as strong. Her resume records some of those achievements; the award, her high-level appointment and prestige engagement worldwide speak for her repute and track record
Board Member
Vice chairman
Member, Board of Trustees
Anggota Pleno DSN-MUI
IFN Advisory Board Member
FAA Accreditation Panel Member
Institutions (AAOIFI)
AAOIFI Master Trainer
AAOIFI Master Trainer effective
Member of APIF Supervisory Committee
Expert in Islamic Finance
Member, AIFC Advisory Council on Islamic Finance
Working Group Member for AAOIFI Central Shariah Boards Standard
Group Head (co)
Director – Head of Legal & DMLRO
Legal Counsel, Head of Compliance and AML Department
Senior Legal Consultant
Prior to this I was employed in legal advisory/consultancy & academic positions in the UK & Malaysia
• Arabic • English • Indonesia • Malay
Tokoh Alumni IIUM (Best Alumni IIUM) (International islamic University Malaysia)
Penggiat Ekonomi Keuangan Syariah Terbaik – Penggiat dan Profesional Keuangan Syariah Nasional
dan Internasional (The Best Islamic Finance Proponent/Activist – National and International Islamic
Finance Proponent and Professional) (Bank Indonesia, 2018
Named as Penggiat Ekonomi Keuangan Syariah Terbaik Global
University Postgraduate Research Scholarship
Campbell Burns Research Scholarship
Dato’ Nik Abdul Rashid Award (Best Overall LL.B Student)
Certified Teaching Practice (Very Good)
Best Participant for Press and Journalism Course
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam tincidunt nulla tortor, a imperdiet enim tristique nec. Nulla lobortis leo eget metus dapibus sodales. Sed placerat vitae dui vitae vehicula. Quisque in tincidunt ligula, nec dignissim arcu. Praesent aliquam velit vel libero dictum, non sollicitudin lectus mollis. Morbi sollicitudin auctor gravida.
Legal and Shariah issues and challenges in cross-border Financing
Issues and challenges Choice of law As with their conventional counterparts, Islamic fi nancial institutions shall carefully consider which law is to govern the contracts and the relationship between the parties if, for example, the Islamic fi nancial institution, the client and the asset(s) are located in three diff erent jurisdictions. That’s...
Establishment of HGC Firm
Welcome to the HGC Firm where you’ll meet world leading experts in our respective area of expertise. We are unique because we have our experts with hands-on experience covering almost every corner of the earth. We are the people that shape the industry to what it is today, and we...
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